Secrets of Applied Science - Entrance exam
By: Bibek Lamichhane , Sujan Lamichhane, Sumit Mahato and Sushil Bis
Publisher : Samiksha Publication
Secrets of Applied Science Entrance Exam
Publisher: Samiksha Publication
Author(s): Bibek Lamichhane , Sujan Lamichhane, Sumit Mahato and Sushil Bis
Edition: 1st
Published Year: 2023 (2080)
Pages: 852
Rs. 1,100
Rs. 1,375
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About the Book
- Designed for Applied Science Entrance Exam Preparation- B.Sc. Ag, B.VSc. and A.H., B.Sc. Fisheries,B.Sc. Forestry, B.Tech Food, B.Tech Biotechnology and related others
- Guides for the preparation of entrance exam conducted by TU, AFU, PU, KU, PokU, MWU, FWU all in One book with integrated approach.
- Features a comprehensive collection of subjectwise notes and questions gathered from various entrance exams conducted by different universities across various fields of applied science. The questions included in this book are derived from past exams, ensuring relevance and accuracy.
- Inclusion of hints and solutions for each and every question divided in accordance to chapter. These hints and solutions have been carefully compiled from authentic textbooks and teachers’ notes, making them invaluable resources for exam preparation.
- Includes precise notes and MCQs of Applied Science special subjects
- Recently asked question papers and mirror exams have been incorporated