Target 200: A Comprehensive approach to CEE UG
By: N/A
Publisher : Samiksha Publication
Target 200: A Comprehensive approach to CEE UG
Publisher: Samiksha Publication
Product Code: ME682
Author(s): A Team of MBBS scholars for junior counterparts
Edition: 3rd
Published Year: 2080 ( 2023)
Pages: 2760
Rs. 3,188
Rs. 3,750
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About the Book
Salient features of this book:
- Completely based on CEE-UG Syllabus with full coverage.
- First book in the market that contains Concise Theory & MCQs according to the syllabus generated by Medical Education Commission (MEC).
- Theory written in a completely new pattern as per the author's recent experience.
- 15,000+ solved MCQs without repetition of similar type of questions.
- Complete MAT syllabus covered with enough MCQs based on CEE pattern
- MCQs marked according to CEE pattern as Recall(R), Understanding(U) and Application(A) categories.
- MEC CEE 2021 ,2022 and 2023 questions have been included with answers and analysis of coverage from respective chapters of first and second editions and 2023 questions with answers.
- MCQs categorized into various levels: Past, Probable and Conceptual/Challenging questions.
- Chapter wise Past MCQs of MECEE, IOM, KU, BPKIHS, PAHS, MOE, NEET, Indian Embassy with their detailed Solutions.
- Golden Points, Concept Corners, Bonus Points and Medical Bridging Notes included in relevant chapters with Eye Catching Diagrams, Charts, Tables .